Tuesday, May 19, 2015

More STEM at Summit Elementary - Engineering on the Oregon Trail!

Mrs. Samantha Fletcher's 4th grade students are in the midst of a Social Studies unit about the Oregon Trail.  In addition, they continue to have STEM challenges.

Here is an update from Mrs. Fletcher:

This week's STEM challenge was to see who could build the strongest covered wagon out of the available materials. The kids were given scraps of cardboard, straws, toothpicks, construction paper, and pipe cleaners. They were allowed to use scissors, tape (12 inches only), and glue to modify their materials. We tested the "strength" of their wagons by seeing how many full cans of soda pop they could hold. Our leader right now is 6 cans, but we have a few groups left that are still constructing their wagons.

Here are some pictures of students building their wagons!

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