Friday, September 25, 2015

Geography and Skype - It's a Mystery!

Students in Samantha Fletcher's 4th grade class are broadening their horizons beyond the four walls of their classroom.  They are preparing to participate in the "Global Read Aloud" - one book to connect the world.  This was started three years ago by Pernille Ripp, an elementary teacher.  She had a vision to connect teachers and students around the world through the "shared love of a book."  A book is chosen, and then during six weeks in the fall, classrooms connect with each other to discuss what they are reading!

Hear from Pernille Ripp to better understand the "Global Read Aloud" project!

Go to this link to find out more about the books classes are reading for the "Global Read Aloud."  2015 Global Read Aloud Books

This week Mrs. Fletcher's students participated in a "Mystery Skype" with another classroom in California.  The premise of a "Mystery Skype" is that two classrooms connect, and then ask each other a series of questions to come to a conclusion about "where in the world" they are.

Student practiced both "geography" and "questioning" skills while doing this, and they had tons of FUN!

Here is what Mrs. Fletcher had to say:

In preparation for the Global Read Aloud, my class engaged in a mystery Skype with a fourth grade class in California. We spent a couple weeks familiarizing ourselves with a US map. One student would choose a state, and the rest of the class had to ask yes/no questions, such as "Are you east of the Mississippi River?" to find out which state it was. Our mystery Skype was tons of fun, and we will be Skyping with our new friends in California as we read the book "Fish in a Tree" with them to discuss it.

Here are a few pictures of 4th grade students during their "Mystery Skype."

Here's a picture of our class giving our new friends a "ten finger woo" for correctly namimg our state.